Monday, June 5, 2017

Are You a Rowdy Christian?

    Are you? The article title asks one simple question, however; it is not quite as simple a question to answer. First, the question asks if you are rowdy. Then it asks you if you are a Christian. These two questions must first be answered before you can answer the main question definitively.  This is our first blog entry, so we will spend just a few sentences later on introducing you to us. sdfds
We love complex questions like this; questions that are designed to encourage introspection, not to provoke an immediate yes or no response. On the surface these kinds of questions appear to be very simple, narrowly-framed, and intriguing; which they are indeed, but what lies beneath is something more dynamic. Instead of exploring this question into the philosophical/theological abyss, let’s just simply determine that right now as long as you can identify with being either “rowdy” or a “Christian," then this is what matters to us. 

Our blog, just like our clothing company, will appeal to a rowdy Christian audience; Christians who connect w/ and are proud of the rowdy side of Jesus & the other characters in the Bible, but don’t have a lot of Christian apparel options they identify with. There are also many non-Christians in this world who will enjoy our brand, as long as they have an open mind and a little bit of rowdy in them. 

Thousands witnessed Jesus perform miracle after miracle. Many of them still did not believe in Him right away, but they were attracted to Him nonetheless. Then after seeing enough to be convinced, they admitted He was the one true God. Before they were able to call Him their God though, they were attracted to Jesus the man first, not the religion. Our aim as a clothing company is simply to re-introduce you to Jesus as the man we believe him to be: a rowdy, influential, shocking, provocative, badass, S.O.G. (Son Of God).  

Before we describe the structure and thematic elements of our blog, let us define for you our definition of the word: rowdy. First, here is what Webster’s definition is: coarse or boisterous in behavior. Short and sweet; we love it. We agree with Webster’s, but we want to add some more layers of flavor to create our own take on rowdy. To us, someone who is rowdy is edgy, shocking, influential, or badass; EXACTLY who Jesus is. He shocked the world with his rowdy behavior. Rowdy is cool. And that is exactly what we will be writing about: Christians of Biblical, historical, or modern day significance who are edgy, shocking or influential. 

For each blog entry, we will write about amazing instances of Christian people who connected with and modeled one or more of Jesus’ rowdy character traits. Because if God has made us all in His image, then that MUST mean all things cool, attractive, and rowdy about people in this world can only be possible because God and His son, Jesus, are cool, attractive and rowdy themselves. So, are you rowdy? Are you a Christian? Are you a rowdy Christian?

Next blog article: Holy Ship! Noah