Sunday, July 9, 2017

Jesus is a Badass

In the modern era, we cannot think of a better way to describe Jesus other then by simply calling him a badass.  Every single one of his miracles; turning water into wine, raising the dead, healing the blind, the sick, the lame, the deaf, walking on water, etc are examples of Jesus being a complete badass.  And these are just a few of the many miracles Jesus performed during his short time on earth as a human.  He also flipped the tables of money changers & other people doing non-righteous activities in the temple courts.

Since we choose to define Jesus in the modern era as being a badass, we feel it is important to appropriately define the modern day meaning of badass as it applies to Jesus.  The best place to turn for modern day meanings is to the Urban Dictionary.  In it there are several descriptions of someone who is badass, but the definition closest to our interpretation is as follows:  adj. 1. A general term used to describe behavior that is fearless, authentic, compassionate, and ethical. 2. Well above the social standard for "normal" behavior.  Jesus absolutely demonstrated behavior that is fearless, authentic, compassionate & ethical!  Did he not?  There really can be no debate about this.  We could even take it a step further then & say that almost EVERYTHING that Jesus did was badass!  Not only was Jesus completely amazing & awesome in everything that he did, but he was a true badass because he also follows all of the unwritten rules of being a badass as defined in the Urban Dictionary:

Unspoken Rules of being a badass: 
1. A badass does not talk about being a badass. 

2. A badass does not try to be a badass or look tough. A badass simply is a badass.

3. A badass stays true to themselves, always. This means being themselves for themselves, and not being fake to impress others.

4. A badass does not give up. They will always push themselves & others for the better, no matter how hard it gets.

5. A badass is not a jerk. A badass does not prey on the weak, and shows kindness to all.

6. A badass knows his/her limits. A badass does everything within their ability & does not overcompensate.

7. A badass does not make enemies or go looking for fights. They do not fights that aren't worth fighting either, but are always ready to stand-up for the weak & defenseless.

In a true sense of the word, Jesus is a badass.  His personality, his actions, his miracles, his love, his mercy; every part of him was, is & will always be badass!

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Sunday, July 2, 2017

Holy Ship! Noah

      ‘And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt' (Genesis 6:12).  Noah, the grandson of Methuselah and only ten generations removed from that of Adam himself, was chosen by God as the one man to continue His legacy of mankind while God eradicated the evilness & disobedience of early humans.  Just imagine that for a moment… What would your reaction be if God told you he was going to destroy the majority of our world and YOU would be the one person responsible for its regeneration?   You think your life is filled with stress & pressure now?  That’s nothing in comparison to the weight on Noah’s shoulders.  No wonder the dude created the first vineyard and ended up drunk & naked in his tent!  I would have been so overcome with fear & anxiety that I never would have left that tent.  But Noah was different; he got out of that tent, stopped getting drunk, & fulfilled God’s command.  He was brave.  He was bold.  He was Rowdy.

Not only was Noah responsible for constructing a massive ship, which took 100 years to build & was more then 1 ½ football fields in length, but he was also tasked to preach to the people on earth and ask them to repent of their sins.  He endlessly preached & warned of the coming flood.  Many people heard his words, but no one truly listened.  And why should they?  Humans at that time had never seen rain.  Humans, crops, and animals got their water from rivers, natural springs, and mists.   In those days no one had ever seen rain before; so why would they ever believe some old man proclaiming that the ‘windows of heaven’ would open up and pour water down on them?

In many ways, Noah & his Ark are a great parallel & forerunner to that of Jesus Christ.  In Noah’s time, the only way to keep living was to believe what Noah was saying and get on the Ark.  And the only way to eternal living is to believe in Jesus Christ.  Additionally, just as Christ was sealed in his tomb after His crucifixion, so was Noah & his family sealed up in the ark only to emerge months later.  Noah was the hope for humanity after the Flood just as Jesus became the hope for all humanity after His resurrection.   

Noah’s steadfast faith & belief in the Lord will forever be an inspiration to all of us Christians.